Looking to 2022: Of sacked football managers and new year resolutions

3 min readDec 28, 2021

PS: This is a rambling article without a defined ending, and only intended to serve as an accountability tool. Proceed with caution.

Jose Mourinho is arguably one of the most successful football managers ever. He has officially won 25 league titles and cups with Porto, Chelsea, Inter, Real Madrid, and Manchester United.

Yet, he has been fired 6 times, yes 6!!!

In fact, most successful managers have been fired multiple times in their careers. It’s often considered a badge of honour, showing longevity and experience.

Wait… but why? Have you wondered why football managers get fired so often?

Because there are no excuses for losses on the pitch.

Two football managers playing a game have the same:

  1. Pitch conditions
  2. Weather
  3. Referee
  4. Ball / equipment

Sure, the manager can argue that the other team spent a lot of money, bad luck with injuries, bad pitch conditions, or my favourite one : the referee is paid for by the other club (!), but these excuses do not work. The mantra in football is shape up or ship out. 3 consecutive bad games and you could be on the chopping block.

What does this have to do with me? Am i going to pursue a shocking career change and become a football coach?

I wish, but no.

2021 was a meh year for me, like a lot of people. The never ending pandemic, travel restrictions, a stretched supply chain (work stuff) and a bubble like economy had me indulging in my favourite activity.

Making excuses.

- I’ll pursue that side project when the pandemic improves

- I’ll reach out to that old school friend when i have more time

- I’ll eat healthier or work out more when i’m in a better headspace

- I’ll study mandarin or give a certification exam after the holidays

As i sit and reflect during the holidays, i realise that while 99% of new years resolutions fail, i’m going to still be brave and make one for 2022.

No more excuses.

Excuses are easy to make, the world is messed up, and there is never going to be a perfect time and place to start. So i’m just going to start.

Here ends my rant / accountability tool. I will circle back in 3 months to report back my results. Until then, ciao!




Interested in the intersection between finance and business. Chartered Accountant, MBA. Incredibly curious. Hong Kong | India